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Return and refund

We used standard shipping services third party app to shipped our order delivered to customer location. if any issue for product delay or mismatch product received wrong item or black please feel free to contact us or sent email -:

we handle your query and solved it or arrange another pickup.

some time delivery take time max 10 days if not please sent email.

minimum delivery time we take 5 to 7 working days all over india.

Easy return or exchange if customer received item if product its not applicable or any issue related with products please feel free to contact us or sent email

with in 48 hours of products or item received after 48 hours return process its been ended.

we solve customer query as fast we can write message and sent on provided email if customer return applicable we sent notification email to customer and sent updates. once return process done customer pack products as same as received and give it to pickup service.

if customer sent wrong products or any mismatch products process ended not refunded.

we offer one time free exchange or return or chose another product.

shipping charged will be included on return process all over india.

fixed rate Rs.150.

if customer want to exchange its item with another one please sent email or contact us on website chat free.


Return Only Eligible Minimum Purchase Value Above Rs.699. on single item not offers and multiple item.

If you placed an order less than 699 don't worry about any issue with products size matter colour issue or products damage we refund your 50% amount.

less than 699 Rs. items Are not eligible for return so please be sure.

Offer and coupon applied products are not eligible for return and not be refunded.

We offer only a return applicable for orders above 699 Rs.



Once customers are not satisfied with its products please send a mail on subject return  we create return query and send AWB no so tracking its return products details once products delivered to warehouse check QC passed. the customer amount will be deposited in its bank account within 5 to 7 working days if product damage wrong or other products are not sent as the delivery process ends. return procedure take 20 to 30 days

Once products are received in our warehouse we proceed with your refund amount query. your amount will be deposited in your bank account within 5 to 7 working days.


When customer places order and its decide to cancel its order so please confirm with in 24 send mail our contact with us our website contact us form and type issue and cancel your order we cancel your order once order its been shipped not be cancel or amount will not be refunded after 24 hours. Because once products are shipped it's not canceled with us. 


Once an order is shipped customers do not pick the products and delivery boys do not contact customers or not reach the customer location. wait 7 to 10 days some time product delivery is delayed please send a mail or direct contact with our website.


When products received wrong or other items please make a video or click a pic of products that you received and send mail or contact our website to send a video or pic. we solve your issue shortly


Refund Process.

Once Customer placed Order Cancel its Order Within 24 Hours Payment Will Be fully Refunded On Its Account 

Because Product Will Be shipped After 24 hours. Customer Charged Shipping Cost Or Deducted On Total Amount Is Been Paid. 

Other Amount Will Be Deposit In Account With 5 To 7 Working days. 

Free Shipping Is Only For Products Deliver To Customers Satisfied With Products.

Tempered Glass Is Not Replacing Refund Or Return .

Return Process.


Once a Customer Placed Order Gets Its Products, the Customer Decides Return.

If Not Satisfied With Product Or Any Other Issue So Don't Worry.

Customer Send Return Query Order Notes Order Number Send On ( Within 24 Hours Of Product Is Been Delivered.

But The Return Process Both Shipping Cost Paid By Customer Or Deducted Other Amount Will Be Deposit On Customer Account With 5 To 7 Working Days.

Return Order 

Query Is Generated Or Schedule With Us Delivery Boy Pick Product From Customer Address And Delivered To Warehouse.

Products Checked Its Proper So Return Process Done Otherwise Product Must Be Different Or Damaged Process Is End.

Customer Amount Will Be Deposit In Account With 5 To 7 Working days.

Shipping Rates Are Different On Different Locations So Check Shipping Rate Calculator.

Return Process Both Way Shipping Cost Paid By Customer So Please Confirm And Agree With The Return Process.



We Don’t offer an exchange policy but if customers are not satisfied with products please send a mail or direct contact our website we send another products its one time procedure customer decide or choose another products and send a link what product he/she wants the customer to pay only 35%off amount actual products price. We send a personal  coupon code to apply and order other products.

Return Refund Replace (Exchange) Cancel Accepted Within 24 Hours Otherwise Not Accepted.

Return Refund Exchange Only For Same Products Delivered With Us Other Product Given By Customer If Wrong Or Any Other Product Its Not Accepted Process Is Ended 

Replacement is not available If customers pay shipping charges we create returns and send another Products. 

Ex : Reverse + Forward 



If a customer returns its products Return applicable order above 699 Rs. less than 699.Rs return is not possible. customers pay reverse shipping costs and other amounts will be deposited in the customer bank account.



We Don’t offer an exchange policy but if customers are not satisfied with products please send a mail or direct contact our website we send another products its one time procedure customer decide or choose another products and send a link what product he/she wants the customer to pay only 35%off amount actual products price. We send a personal  coupon code to apply and order other products.

Return Refund Replace (Exchange) Cancel Accepted Within 24 Hours Otherwise Not Accepted.

Return Refund Exchange Only For Same Products Delivered With Us Other Product Given By Customer If Wrong Or Any Other Product Its Not Accepted Process Is Ended 

Replacement is not available If customers pay shipping charges we create returns and send another Products. 

Ex : Reverse + Forward 



If a customer returns its products Return applicable order above 699 Rs. less than 699.Rs return is not possible. customers pay reverse shipping costs and other amounts will be deposited in the customer bank account.



When Customer returns its success we send an update to customer and customer amount will be deposited on customer bank account within 5 to 7 working days. 

When we cancel its order within 24 hours we refund the full amount. After 24 hours we didn't refund the full amount, the shipping cost was deducted so please be sure.

Let us know how can we assist you

Get in touch so we can communicate shortly as soon as possible.

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